I Have Been Working But……..

  I tried inserting text in the Photoshop images but it is too small to read. So I will repeat myself. I want my casket to tell the story of “The Red House” and the […]

Life In A Box, Homework 1

The wait is over. The Cabinet of Curiosities Class has begun! Home work assignment number 1 is to define our goals for the class and ultimately for an embroidered casket. I of course want to […]

Possibilities for the Spring Workshop

  The only problem with ‘The World Of Possibilities’ is, well, there are just soooo many possibilities! I will be teaching at The Hen and Chicks Studio April 20&21, 2013. I have been playing with […]

My Studio Is A Mess!

  My studio is a mess and I couldn’t be happier! I’m working on a stage  I first cobbled together almost a year and a half ago. Here I am standing just inside the door […]

Backyard Progress

  Before I show the backyard castle progress, I want to show 2 new friends we watch playing in the yard. Mama fox is nearby, watching from the woods.   There have been many changes […]

Why I Not Stitching As Much

  The last two months of weather in Indiana have been beautiful. So I have been spending more time in the garden than stitching. I put the space above in order last fall knowing I […]