Make America Smart Again*

  Making Creative Children   I think creativity is one of the most powerful human traits we possess.   When we deprive children of arts programs, we aren’t taking away busywork.    We are taking […]

Planning A Trip

  Inside my casket you get a glimpse of my sampler.    And here is a view of the entire piece.   Down at the very bottom of the sampler I mention maps, guides and […]

A New Year

  The Dragon Prince (“He who has the gold rules”), Once (“Once Upon A Time” ) and the Princely Dragon (“Treat others as you would be”) decided to start the new year by working together. […]

The World of Possibilities Does Not Disappoint

Adding the doors, the ‘secret panel’ (in white) and the 3D village scene completely changes the look of the casket interior. More blank canvases to embroidery! More possibilities! And by playing in Photoshop a little […]

Mountain Tops

The Golden Rule Mountains have been backed with paper and cut away from the background fabric. The straight edges will be covered with my cloud-like needlelace border. But the mountain top edges had me stumped. Until I […]

Embroidered Illustrations

Bubbledom is one of the destinations in The World of Possibilities. So of course it will have an embroidered panel on the outside of the casket. But all of the different places you see on the casket […]


 The second side panel for my casket is complete! The last two figures are dancing to the music. The little girl does have a face even though it may never be seen! The completed panel.

Putting the Pieces in Place

Time, the large red dog/lion/bird figure above is visiting the kingdom of the Dragon Prince. The Prince is still unfinished but his mean stare sums up what he thinks of Time.  Meanwhile the children of […]

The Dragon Prince

In my ‘World of Possibilities’, The Golden Rule Mountains are central to the story and to that world. Here the Dragon Prince who believes, ‘He who has the gold rules’ lives along side the Princely Dragon […]


  I strongly believe that a working model should be exactly that, something you really WORK on. You can see from the picture above how many layers of ideas I have tried out so far. […]