Ducky Scissor Holder

 As part of the Cabinet of Curiosities class I have signed up for, there is a Ning site for all of the class participants to join. Some time ago people were discussing sewing treasures from […]

New to me website

   The Ethnographic Pattern Book Over 800 designs from the Museum of Krakow. Beautiful!

Stanley Spencer, my new favorite artist

  I am a devoted follower of the blog “It’s About Time”.  You can link here, or always find it in my blog roll on the right hand side of your screen.  This blog (and […]

A Little Something Different

  Every now and then I feel the need to try something different.   The basic structure of the tree I put together a couple years ago.   Then I played with various things to […]

Camera Help

  This morning I spent some time at Roberts Camera in downtown Indianapolis. For the same reason that you should buy a sewing machine from a local dealer, I’m happy my camera comes from a […]

I’M A Docent

  It’s official, we, the Class of 2012, are now docents at the IMA. Here I am celebrating with Sandy, one of the many wonderful classmates I got to know this year. Now the real […]

Happy Easter

  The bunny cake tradition continues this year with an applesauce spice cake and cream cheese/butter frosting.

Sticker Ball

Did you ever notice when the garden stops growing the sticker ball starts growing?

Teaching at ‘Hen and Chicks Studio’

  It is official. I’ll be teaching this embroidery sampler April 14-15 at the Hen and Chicks Studio in Conrad, IA . I can’t wait to see Heidi’s new store and to teach my all […]