Open at last!

My Etsy store is finally open! Here is a detail of the first print I have made available.


I was antiquing in Crown Point, IN over the weekend. This Christmas flex fence is one of only two treasures I found after a whole day of poking around. Tina deserves a medal for enduring […]

Stage settings

A stage is meant to frame a scene. Here a drawn frame acts as a stage. This is a very early piece of stagecraft created for the Indianapolis Museum of Art’s Wearable Art Show way […]

The man on my heart.

Here is the first stitch out of the design. I tried to follow the colors of the Photoshop version but wasn’t very happy with it. Here is the second stitch out. A few color changes […]

Trying a blog on for size

I’m digitizing a new embroidery today. First it was a drawing.Then I colored the drawing in Photoshop. That’s the image you see here.