The castle archway began years ago as a theater arch only partially completed. I pick the project up again, widen the arch and now I’d like to finish it. I am including children from the […]
The Princely Dragon’s Birthday Party
The Dragon Prince is celebrating his birthday! All the children of the kingdom are invited. Mama Bear is helping out. There is a birthday cake. Party hats. Balloons.
The second side panel for my casket is complete! The last two figures are dancing to the music. The little girl does have a face even though it may never be seen! The completed panel.
A New Figure
Where there is music there should be dancing. Her partner isn’t ready but you’ll see him soon.
Almost Dressed
The Princely Dragon’s clothes are almost complete. This is as far as I plan to take him for now. Lots of background work needs to take place before I can start stitching everything in place.
Dressing a Dragon
I’d like to say a great big thank you to Mary Corbet at Needle ‘n Thread for sharing my blog with her readers this past weekend. What a surprise! Thank you Mary! The Dragon is growing. […]
‘Purly’ Whites
I’d like to introduce the Princely Dragon. He is a good and kind dragon. Here is the original Princely Dragon (on the right), slightly larger scale. On the left you can see the form of […]
Closed Borders
My first casket panel is complete! I am delighted with how the border turned out. It is just pinned in place for now and will be permanently attached after I attach the embroidery to the casket. […]
Princely Dragon
I’ve shown progress on my new backyard world here. I thought you might like to see the work while the owner is on site. Here the Princely Dragon is inspecting the very rough beginging […]