Dolly Sisters

Two sisters. The shoes are charms from an embroidery shop. Just right for my child sized dolls. Big sister. Little Sister.

Dolly’s New Clothes

Here is a close-up of the dolly I stitched in Florida this past March. You can see her jacket is completely separate from her dress. And now her wardrobe has expanded!

Now I Have Two Samovars

All the dollies have been asking for tea. So I made a samovar for them. Glued a few bits and pieces together, sprayed it gold. A real Russian samovar on the left with my new […]

Playing With My Toys

  At one time or another I think all of the elements in the photo above have appeared at some time in my blog. Yesterday I was rearranging my work table and decided to relocate […]

A Choir of Angels

  I have been working on about half a dozen projects lately. High time I shared some of my progress. Several weeks ago I posted my first angel. Here is angel number 2. At first […]

Baby Bear

  Baby Bear   Mama and Baby Bears   The back of Baby Bear’s jacket.

Little Mama Bear

  To go with the doll’s house size dolls I make, I thought it was time to add ‘The Three Bears’ into the mix.   So here is my first Mama Bear prototype. I’m still […]

Angel Embroidery

  For the last month I have taken a break from my crewel embroidery to work on a new style and subject. It isn’t really stumpwork, more a Janet variation of stumpwork embroidery.   The […]