Embroidered Great Coat

  Last December I told you about some ornaments I designed for a manufacturer named Raz Imports. It was a great project even if not all of the designs made it to the market place. […]

Embroidered Cloth Doll

  Ever since my Aunt LaRece made a pink and black evening dress for my Madame Alexander doll way, way back when, I have loved the color combination.   But I never use it! Until […]

Miss Syria

  With so much violence falling on the people of Syria, I thought I would celebrate their extraordinary embroidery heritage.   This doll was entirely stitched on an embroidery machine. I digitized the face, hands, […]

Embroidered Cloth Dolls

  Here are 2 of the early cloth dolls I made a few months ago.   These dolls do not have  the wired limbs and are much harder to pose. The jacket on the top […]

The Queen of Hearts / Embroidered Cloth Doll

  The Queen of Hearts wishes you a Happy Valentines Day! Here she is shopping for a space to open her business.    As an excellent tart maker, the queen has decided to open a […]