A Fashion Doll

  My basic doll house size doll has been modified to become a fashion doll. Everything stayed pretty much the same but I lengthened the legs to the typically overlong fashion leg!   This jacket […]

Playing With My Toys

  At one time or another I think all of the elements in the photo above have appeared at some time in my blog. Yesterday I was rearranging my work table and decided to relocate […]

Little Furniture

   While the witch makes Hansel collect firewood, I have been busy painting furniture for the cottage of the 3 Bears.   In addition to this furniture I have painted a Christmas Tree.   But […]

Little Mama Bear

  To go with the doll’s house size dolls I make, I thought it was time to add ‘The Three Bears’ into the mix.   So here is my first Mama Bear prototype. I’m still […]

Red Nose and Spot

  I have such mixed feelings about this gentelman. I’d love to know what the artist was thinking!    He is only about 5″ tall.   But then I see his smile and look into […]

Mr. Bean Bag

  I am sifting through 28 years of stuff in my basement. My studio used to be down there, now it is ‘my store’, or where I go when I need just the perfect whatever […]

Possibilities for the Spring Workshop

  The only problem with ‘The World Of Possibilities’ is, well, there are just soooo many possibilities! I will be teaching at The Hen and Chicks Studio April 20&21, 2013. I have been playing with […]

Miss Croatia Doll

  This is Miss Croatia. Her face and hair were stitched in the embroidery machine, then assembled as a doll head.   Here she is wearing a hand stitched jacket. When she isn’t wearing her […]

The Princely Dragon, Stumpwork doll

  Many weeks ago I introduced my new project, my new world to you. One of the places the World of Possibilities will take you is to “The Golden Rule Mountains”. One very important character […]

An Owl

  Owls are so popular I thought I would share one that I stitched a long time ago.   I love his bow tie.   He is carrying some of my business cards for me. […]