Playing In The Water

Here is the Mermaid’s grotto in the Golden Rule Mountains. The Bubbles rising out of the water will continue on the panel above. This is for the side of the casket above the panel of the Princely […]


 The second side panel for my casket is complete! The last two figures are dancing to the music. The little girl does have a face even though it may never be seen! The completed panel.

Here’s What’s New

This little horn player needed new shoes. Her first pair was too large. These are just right. Now the Princely Dragon has a bow for his violin. And the castle has a new gate. Flowers […]

Border Tryout

Through the wonders of Photoshop I can audition a border color scheme without stitching all four pieces.  I’m glad I did. This isn’t right. It might be OK. But I think there are better options. […]

A New Figure

Where there is music there should be dancing. Her partner isn’t ready but you’ll see him soon.

Filling a Little Space

The Embroidered Casket I am working on  provides lots of little spaces to fill. This little frame is 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″. It fits into one of the drawers. I have been experimenting with […]

A Few Updates

My daughter Jane is better. She is not yet well but she is better. And she smiles now. A little stitching has been going on. Jane and I have sat by the fire many afternoons […]

Almost Dressed

The Princely Dragon’s clothes are almost complete. This is as far as I plan to take him for now. Lots of background work needs to take place before I can start stitching everything in place.

Dressing a Dragon

I’d like to say a great big thank you to Mary Corbet at Needle ‘n Thread for sharing my blog with her readers this past weekend.  What a surprise! Thank you Mary! The Dragon is growing. […]

‘Purly’ Whites

I’d like to introduce the Princely Dragon. He is a good and kind dragon.  Here is the original Princely Dragon (on the right), slightly larger scale. On the left you can see the form of […]