Embroidered Illustrations

Bubbledom is one of the destinations in The World of Possibilities. So of course it will have an embroidered panel on the outside of the casket. But all of the different places you see on the casket […]

Casket Doors Update!!!

Claire’s door is finished! The border will be red to match the exterior of the Red House embroidery above the doors. Here are some detail shots. The little blue bird in her cage. And I […]

Getting Close

Claire’s dolly workshop is close to being done. Traditional 17th century casket usually have a dog running through a scene somewhere so I had to include a doggie friend on my casket too.

Signing My Work

One of the delights of all the beautiful caskets we viewed in Scotland and England last fall was discovering the occasional signature, note or trinket left behind by the creator of the piece. One of the […]

Claire’s New Dress

Claire may only have one leg to stand on at the moment but she loves her new dress! The underskirt is embroidered silk, the same silk I am using to line many little areas inside […]

Outlook Improving

This is the view from Claire’s workshop window. Silk Soutache over mica window. And the view from William’s workshop. The silk ribbon is a background for more special threads to come.

Casket Doors

I set up the front doors for the casket. I gave the window space a light blue wash and the walls a beige. I started stitching the floor. I love the checks but this type […]

A Slightly Different Thanksgiving Bird

I am not in charge of the turkey today so I have the chance to share a different bird I just completed.  I started it during the Embroidered Casket Tour in York, England. I almost finished […]

A New Tunnel Scene

The casket has 2 lids. This new tunnel embroidery scene of The Village fits under the lower lid. Here are two of the early residents.

A Very Little Doll

After many attempts I have come up with a dolly design to use on the outside of the casket as well in some scenes on the inside. The edge is wired so I can pose […]