Angel Wings

  I had great fun stitching today. The foundations of the wings are ready to be sewn together. The red area is a backdrop for garden elements to come. Probably little stitching will get done […]

The Casket Chronicles Begin

  I’ve added a new subtitle to my blog; The Casket Chronicles. I look forward to telling the story of my planning, designing and stitching for my very own Embroidered Casket.    For practice I […]

Life In A Box, Homework 1

The wait is over. The Cabinet of Curiosities Class has begun! Home work assignment number 1 is to define our goals for the class and ultimately for an embroidered casket. I of course want to […]

Hello Again Dear Friends!

  Hello again dear friends! I have been enjoying the holidays, family, food and great parties. And I have been resting my hand. The bad news is that the rest has not been enough and […]