Almost There

To many of you this may not look much different than the last photo.  But there has been so much progress! First of all, all of the pieces are now stitched to the background, and […]

Putting the Pieces in Place

Time, the large red dog/lion/bird figure above is visiting the kingdom of the Dragon Prince. The Prince is still unfinished but his mean stare sums up what he thinks of Time.  Meanwhile the children of […]

The AWOL Stitcher/Blogger

  I have been stitching. But my efforts are strung out all over the place. I have finally started playing with designs at the actual size of the casket I hope to cover. And using […]

A Casket Chronicle: Design Sketch

  I have finally started playing with design possibilities for my Embroidered Casket. The sketch above revisits motifs and patterns I’ve used for hooked rugs, wool appliques and for embroidery. The tongue border is an […]

Gardening Angel Progress

  As I work I often feel as though I am making no progress. Then I look at my last blog post and I can see that isn’t true.   The angels arms and hands […]

Step by step, inch by inch……

  Thank you for all of the input on my last post.  The yellow wings will stay at the top, but I also want something winglike to frame the skirt. I spent 6 hours stitching […]

Casket Chronicles, Pieces

  I am amazed by designers who draw out and then stitch out the design as they first drew it. My work evolves constantly as I work. Here the half worked yellow wings are placed […]

Casket Chronicles

  My gardening angel now has arms, but no sleeves. I have decided to use the green velvet as a backdrop for the skirt scene. The 3D elements will be added to the top of […]

Angel Progress

  The navy background is just a pin board surface I use as I work, not the final background color. No sign of arms yet. I happy with the skirt fabric. Shape and embroidery for […]

The Garden Angel

  One wing and the bodice almost done. I am enjoying the challenge of bring the garden to the angel. Not sure if this will be the face I use or not. She is handy […]