What Was It For?

What was this strange shaped vessel for? It is a piece from my collection of miniature copper and brass pieces.  

Feeding The Cat

 The dolly in the photo I worked from and how the figure looks in the final stitching. They don’t look the same. One just inspires the other.

A Bucket of Turnips

 Todays stitching progress is a bucket of turnips. And here is the copper bucket that the image is based on.

I am still stitching

 I am still stitching and still telling the tale of the Golden Rule with needles and thread.  I started this embroidery at the beginning of March, 2023. It is slow going. It is not a […]

Village Life

Hello friends. Welcome to Village Life.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to share any work but I have been busy. There is absolutely nothing better than the creative process, the decisions, […]