An Overdue Update I have been stitching. By Janet BrandtMarch 26, 2019embroidery, maps, wool7 Comments on An Overdue Update
Dear Anna and Rachel, thank you for visiting! I will have to draw a key to the map to explain what is what one of these days! Reply
Wow, Janet! You are amazing! This is so different from your other work and it's also wonderful! I love the 3d works, but this is fascinating, too… Reply
You have indeed! Looking like great progress!
Goodness me Janet – you most certainly have!! It is looking amazing.
Dear Anna and Rachel, thank you for visiting! I will have to draw a key to the map to explain what is what one of these days!
Really fabulous 🙂
Thanks Rachel. The next project will be even more of a change!
Thanks Mary Ann!
Wow, Janet! You are amazing! This is so different from your other work and it's also wonderful! I love the 3d works, but this is fascinating, too…