What’s Stitching Now

I am still finalizing plans for casket 3. Meanwhile I have two other projects to work on. 
The first is this piece about accentuating the positive. It was a rug hooking pattern from way back when. I adapted it to my family, the affirmative portion of the drawing. I drew this out and started stitching over a year ago.

This is how far I am as of this last weekend. It doesn’t get picked up often but it is getting done slowly.

For a while I considered putting a map of my World of Possibilities on the back panel of casket 3. It was too much information in a small space.

So I decided to do a separate embroidery of the map. I did all of the drawing and design work for this on my IPad Pro. It was fun to work at one scale then print it out to the size I want to stitch it.

Here are the two designs so you can get a sense of the scale. I plan to stitch the map in wool. I have missed working in wool.

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