Old Work Revisited

I will be posting some SAL progress again soon. Until then, I am going through stacks of old work And I thought I would share some of it with you. Created years ago but still […]

SAL Sunday

The lower left corner is complete. For now. I never know if I might add or change something. And the left hand side of the embroidery is nearing completion. I love borders of multi-color chain […]

Moving Along

First a row of chain stitch along an edge of one tulip. Then a row of detached buttonhole stitches in the chain row. And the repeat. It was interesting to do. Not something I’m in […]

SAL Details

Thank you for the wonderful response to my SAL! I hope I can answer some of the questions and concerns I have heard in comments and emails. DOWNLOADING THE IMAGE This isn’t as hard as […]

A SAL Janet Style

 Welcome to my first SAL or Stitch Along if this is new to you. (*Please let me now if you are having trouble downloading the image. Leave a comment and I can email a PDF […]

Getting Close

Claire’s dolly workshop is close to being done. Traditional 17th century casket usually have a dog running through a scene somewhere so I had to include a doggie friend on my casket too.

Signing My Work

One of the delights of all the beautiful caskets we viewed in Scotland and England last fall was discovering the occasional signature, note or trinket left behind by the creator of the piece. One of the […]

Claire’s New Dress

Claire may only have one leg to stand on at the moment but she loves her new dress! The underskirt is embroidered silk, the same silk I am using to line many little areas inside […]