Make Love Not Walls or The Needle is Mightier than the Sword

Designed on the beach, stitched in the sun, when you just can’t stand to hear any more lies, any more hate.
Women have used their needles to stitch their thoughts before. I am continuing in a well traveled tradition. 
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6 Replies to “Make Love Not Walls or The Needle is Mightier than the Sword”

  1. I've missed you Janet! So good to know you've enjoyed sun on the beach, and were so inspired to stitch this lovely work of art. I wish I could shout your words from the housetops because it's exactly what we need to hear these days. How clever to have stitched "walls" to look like barbed wire!
    Blessings, Ruth

  2. Dear Monica, Rachel, Ruth and Janice,
    Thank you for commenting. I can't help but think the spirit of creativity lends itself to love.

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