A SAL Janet Style

 Welcome to my first SAL or Stitch Along if this is new to you. (*Please let me now if you are having trouble downloading the image. Leave a comment and I can email a PDF to you.)

Here is the drawing in its original form still in my notebook. 
And here is the drawing ready for you to copy and stitch along with me. Another copy is available on a new page I have added to my blog : “SAL”. It is where I will be posting my progress and YOURS if you choose to share your work. I hope you will.

Here is how I got my pattern started. I am using a prewashed cotton/linen blend fabric. The pieces are TORN to 14″ x 11″, then pressed. I work in hand and I don’t finish the edges. I drew the design with a fine point Uni-ball pen. It is my favorite for pattern drawing.

Here is my palette. I am stitching with 2 strands of DMC cotton floss. 

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16 Replies to “A SAL Janet Style”

  1. Oh, THANK you, Janet! I've been wishing that I could stitch like you! Now at least I can have the same design. All I have to do now is figure out the stitching skills.

  2. Oh Janice you will have no trouble with stitching skills! This is meant to be a project for relaxing and taking a break from all of our casket type stitching.
    I'm so glad you're on board! I've already started this one (just the first in a series of three) and will be posting progress little by little.

  3. this sounds like a challenge I am up for just need help to reinstall my printer or maybe I can find a shop to print the design off for me, not many seem to do it now as they think we all have a printer

  4. Sorry to hear you are having difficulties. Did you try downloading the image on the page (top of the blog) called SAL? It should be a ready to print jpeg. I will try to save and link a PDF to the site later this afternoon.

  5. Hi Janet. I am going to give it a go as well. Just because I love all your casket stuff. Hope I can sort out all the IT stuff. How big should I print the design. Liz Finn

  6. Hi Liz,
    I will be giving more IT help tomorrow, but I am happy to say I found it is possible and easy. It will print within an 8 1/2" x 11" or A4 paper size. It should open and save at the correct size so don't worry about that step. So glad you enjoy the casket stuff, I love stitching it!

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