6 Replies to “Doll House Keeping”

  1. what fun you will have putting everything back again, hope to see photos soon, all your little dolls are so beautiful. I so admire you lovely stitchery

  2. I'm amazed by your exquisite handwork, Janet! Your doll house puts mine (rooms of found things in old wooden soda crates stacked on one another) to shame! I'm in my second childhood at the age of 76, but actually I've never outgrown my love of dolls and hand sewing for them. I've never ever seen anything to compare with your unique work. God bless you with good health and many, many more making years!! You produce what my dreams are made of. Thank you so very much for sharing on your lovely blog.

  3. Dear Ms. A,
    I'm not sure I ever left my first childhood.
    I just saw the most amazing wooden crate dollhouse online. If you click on the Pinterest Icon on my blog, then go to my dollhouse board you will find it. It was made by a coconut company!
    Thank you for your sweet words and I too hope the hands will continue to work for many years.

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