10 Replies to “Border Tryout”

  1. It is so cool how you can test things like that before spending hours with the needle. Look forward to see what you come up with.

  2. I agree Anna. I had a feeling it wasn't turning out the way I envisioned it and manipulating it in PS proved it to me. Plus I love looking at an image on the computer. It is a different perspective, an easier way of stepping back.

  3. I do want to balance the castle road, you're absolutely right about that. I am thinking of only using the rusty orange in the lower left corner, maybe. I am also thinking of stitching in a lighter weight thread. The perlee is just a little too bulky.

  4. It's so useful to be able to do this sort of virtual trial. Sometimes a stitched trial is necessary, but at least the virtual version allows you to to play with ideas first.

  5. I missed your post! OF coarse I LOVE your panel Janet~ SO much going on~ what will be in the lower rt corner? If I may add to the already wonderful suggestions~ finish the panel first, then entertain colors for your border. You may want to think about how the borders will interact with ALL of your other casket panels as a whole unit~ especially with the panels that share corners with it. Do you want them to be all different? All the same? Perhaps you want to blend the borders in with the panel, changing colors around the edge to match what is in each panel? Leaving the borders until you finish all of your panels will give you plenty of time to think about it ~ you may change your mind entirely! As for bulk, I like detached buttonhole in a single strand of soie de paris~ it works as dense as you want it, but is very delicate and not bulky at all….you may also think about adding a metal thread as you are working it, in the fill or just the edge~to give it a little glimmer. SO GLAD YOUR DAUGHTER IS FEELING BETTER!!!!! xoxoxox

  6. Hi Rachael,
    The lower right corner will be two children dancing.
    I know you're right about waiting. I've already changed my mind two times about the colors. I love the idea of adding a metal thread! It could be a great unifying element around the casket. We shall see.

  7. You're right – it's not bad at all, but something is just a wee bit 'off'… what I'm seeing is the orange and brown border color – it blends in with the castle road and alters the dimensionality – I wonder if the glories of photoshop will let you play with changing that hue? Otherwise, the Prince is leading a merry dance and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this panel!

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