My Holidays

My baby has been sick. My baby is a normally healthy, independent 34 year woman. But over Christmas and New Years we spent 23 days in the hospital dealing with complications from an appendectomy.
She is now home with her father and I, getting stronger each day.
It has been an ordeal. 
Family and friends rallied round with silly cards to fill her hospital room wall!
The nurses loved the one that said “Even prune juice tastes good with enough vodka!”
One favorite gift was an M&M candy dispenser/fan. Some meds would make her suddenly hot and the fan was the instant go to for relief.

So with all that time in the hospital I probably got lots of stitching done, right?
Each afternoon I would head home for a couple hours, pick up a new project that I thought for sure could help me occupy the hours. And each project sat in the bag untouched. My heart was not in it. It just so happened that our son gave me a game for my iPad this Christmas. I’m not a big game player but this was perfect. Called ‘Monument Valley” it was beautiful, challenging and an escape. And if all else failed I had Pinterest to fall back on. The perfect mindless activity at 2 am.
I am stitching again. Progress is slow but pictures should show up again in the near future.

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5 Replies to “My Holidays”

  1. Happy New Year Janet~ glad your precious is on the mend. Computer games are perfect for hospitals~ they keep ones overtaxed mind 'busy', while not requiring much thought. Take a deep breath, and know that this is going to be a GREAT year! xoxoxo rachael

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