Jenny Adin-Christie

Here is a picture of Jenny‘s sample of the two day class ” Textures of a 17th Century Landscape.” This was my Thursday and Friday class of the Bath Textile Summer School.
Jenny is an amazing teacher and talented designer! It was a delight to be in her class. The YEARS of training she had at the Royal School of needlework are so evident in her work and  her classes.   Next year she is doing a 4-day workshop. It sold out in the first week it was available. But more has been added!
Here is how far I got. I LEARNED SO MUCH!

Her kit was wonderful; so very complete and well packaged and labeled. The instructions book is detailed, organized, clear and concise. This is one project I plan to finish. I even bought the frame. In the picture above you can see the water partially stitched. It will be removed from the foundation, then stitched to the embroidery.

Hubby stopped in after a day of hiking and took this picture. I’m not having too much fun.
Of course I had to buy a few more supplies. Jenny had a well stocked wall of goodies to tempt the stitchers in the class.

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