Class with Lesley Turpin-Delport

The classes I took at the Bath Textile Summer School were held at the Holburne Museum. 
I chose Lesley Turpin-Delport’s class for the first two day session. Red tulips often show up in my work so I thought her class of 3-D stitching techniques would be great fun. I wasn’t disappointed. 

Here is my work after 2 days. OK maybe it was too much fun and I didn’t get as much finished as I should have!

First we transferred the image to the background fabric.  

Then we set to work bringing the image to life using a great kit of threads and yarns. Lesley shared many helpful stitching and design ideas.

 Best of all, her new book, co-authored with her daughter Nikki, was released that week. We got to see actual stitched samples from the book! They are as delicious as the title suggests. 
And by the end of the week copies arrived to purchase at the Saturday Textile Fair.

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3 Replies to “Class with Lesley Turpin-Delport”

  1. your flower has a wonderful 3D look to it, now is this another book to add to my wish list?I have her embroidery floral and forna book will think about it

  2. Goodness, I think you did quite a lot in 2 days. There's always more thinking time involved with this sort of project than we tend to allow for..

  3. I can really see you taking her/their style of work and incorporating it into your designs. Also, I would soooo love to attend a workshop – the work looks tremendous.

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