15 Replies to “Closed Borders”

  1. I love the way you did the border in 4 sections so the fit will be perfect. It really makes the viewer feel as tho they are stepping back in to time and into the fantasy, Wonderful!

  2. Fabulous work! Love the colours and the characters. It sends my brain off into a fantasy world (which, it where it very much likes to be 🙂

  3. I was worried about the borders obscuring too much of your wonderful needlework. While I am sad that some is covered, it's not hiding as much as I thought it might. I agree with Paula that it gives the piece a sense of depth as well a completeness. It's a delightful fantasy!!!

  4. Just love how it turned out Janet…my favorite are the little candies brought to the children 🙂 I can see your same twinkling spirit that surrounds you in your embroidery~ so magical, so fun to look at and dream about! xoxoxo rachael

  5. Thank you one and all! I'm excited to start another panel but there are so many projects that have been neglected while working on the first panel that I just might have to take a break from the casket to catch up in the rest of my life.
    That is assuming of course that spring is actually going to arrive with a chance to be outside among the flowers.

  6. Janet! This really came together, as my daughter would say – Fantabulous! ! I have a question. Are you going to frame each panel in the same manner? And if so, will they all be this gorgeous red – creating a framework for the entire box; or will each panel highlight a main motif on that side, the way this one does for Time? Elisabeth in CT

  7. Hi Elisabeth,
    Yes I plan to frame each panel with a stitched border and the main color will be red. Shapes and shades will vary.
    And there will be a different motif or theme for each side. Keep watching!

  8. This is gorgeous and inspiring — and thank you to Elisabeth for posting this link on the COC site, where people are thinking about dragons!

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