New images, earlier work

  I am preparing a new Power Point show for a couple lectures I will be giving soon. I don’t think I have shared these on my blog before so I thought I would now.  […]

Better Resolution

  These photos my take longer than usual to load but hopefully you will be able to explore and enjoy the details better. This dapper young bird might be looking for some nightlife.    3 […]

End of the Day in the Enchanted Forest

  It’s the ‘End of the Day’ and all of the creatures of the Enchanted Forest are coming home.   Papa Bird has a pocket full of worms and his lantern all aglow as he […]

New Class at the Hen and Chicks Studio!

  Here is the project I will be teaching at the Hen and Chicks Studio in Conrad, Iowa on April 20! Learn to take the blanket stitch to new heights, with lacy edges and spirally […]

Wool Embroidery, Almost Done!

  The background layer of the wool embroidery is almost complete!   But now I am having a great time adding another layer of design to the embroidery. Here I have added a clump of […]


  There was a touch of brightness in the sky so I tried to get some up-to-date shots of my wool embroidery.   The last main character of “Nighttime In The Enchanted Forest” is Papa […]

Where I Work

  I thought you might enjoy seeing where I work. As I type this I am sitting in the black chair in the picture above.   I am surrounded by just a little bit of […]

Slow But Steady Progress

  I have decided doing the chain stitch is what hurts most. So I have been doing little of it.   But by popping the embroidery back in the hoop I have been able to […]

A Blast From The Past

  I’m still cleaning my old basement studio. Yes there is that much STUFF!  I came across a box filled with ‘unpublished‘ drawings. As you can see from the date above, I’ve been at this […]